I have been visiting Mistress Chatterley frequently for the last few years, during which time she has introduced me to things that I once would have never considered. On this occasion whilst I was naked on the floor worshipping Mistress’s thigh boots, the subject of my fantasy being suspended upside down and then whipped. Now it would be true to say that being beaten in any way thus far had been something I had avoided, however, Mistress pointed out that it should be an experience before that fantasy to see if I could actually manage it. At this point she noticed my cock becoming hard, she said if this is what is going on with your cock just talking about it I think now is the time for a “sample” whipping.
Suddenly the leash attached to my cock and balls was tugged and I followed her to the bondage bench, time for a mood change slave she said, the lights were dimmed and I could tell her mood had become serious at what was to come. A material hood was placed over my head, a ball gag secured tightly around my head and under my chin, there was no way that was going to come out I realised and a blindfold completed my sensory deprivation. She told me from now on all I was to concentrate was the sound of her stiletto boot heels and the sound of her whip. My hands and feet were spread- eagled to the bench and to complete my state of being vulnerable my cock and balls were placed flat across the bench. At this moment I did begin to wonder if I was going to cope. In all my time with Mistress I have never asked for a safe word being confident that she always could read my body signs and that has always been so, still, I was in no position now being firmly gagged to negotiate- I placed my trust in her.
It went quiet for a few moments, then I felt her latex dress pushing against my back, and felt the whip trailing over my chest. She stepped back and then the blows came, I did start to count, but quickly forgot after about twenty, every now and again, her hands stroked my body, tweaked my nipples and teased my cock, then the whipping resumed, gradually I felt myself beginning to slump only being supported by my cuffed hands to the bench. Mistress clearly red the signs and came up close hugging my body, the words I wanted to hear came, good boy, well done.
I was released and as my reward fastened into the toilet box, having been released from the hood, gag and blindfold, my wrists were cuffed to the sides, the neck fitting secured my head in the box and my ankles were secured to a spreader bar. Mistress took her place above me and warned not to miss any of her champagne I was refreshed without delay. To end the session whilst still positioned I was milked by Mistress by her Venus 2000. At the end of the session Mistress confirmed my position now as an owned slave and whipping would always be a part of every future session. I am very grateful to Mistress for my continued training and introducing me to a Whipping. Should you visit Mistress Chatterley you can be confident of being under the control of a truly amazing confident Mistress who will stretch your ambitions in the world of BDSM!
Slave countryman owned by Mistress Chatterley.